Great news for subscribed NADSL members!
NADSL is excited to announce that subscribed members are now able to access NADSL’s unique CPD service as part of their membership.

Your NADSL CDP Account
Once you open your NADSL CPD account you will have unlimited access and capacity to record all learning and development activities. Simply email to request a CPD account with us and we’ll set the ball rolling.
NADSL continues to build its library of resources that meet CPD requirements. As a member of NADSL you will gain access to its forum and weekly Roundup publications. These resources invaluable in helping you to maintain a record of your own efficient and effective professional development.
This targeted CPD recording tool has been designed and tailored to meet the practice needs of safeguarding leads and officers from any sector. By using the NADSL CPD tool you will be sure to follow a path to safeguarding excellence.
Your profile is private and confidential, and can be downloaded in an attractive pdf document if you need to.
How do I open my NADSL CPD account?
Email us at and we will send you full details of how to proceed. Once your account is set up you will be asked to contact us for ‘permission to access’, simply click to request access and away you go!
You will be able to access your NADSL CPD account as part of your membership subscription.
If you choose not to renew your membership with us you may like to download the contents of your electronic portfolio so that you can refer to it at any point in the future.
- Build a Portfolio
In just a few simple ‘copy, click and pastes’, you will have a tailored, evidence-based print-ready portfolio. Perfect for any interview, career review, or professional audit. A digital list of all your supporting evidence enables you to email your portfolio electronically or download it to your device. - Free CPD Webinars via Forums and Roundup
You will have access to regular live and recorded CPD Webinars covering a range of CPD topics to suit your professional development needs. All you need to do is lookout for Roundup, book your place on any learning offered and then reflect on your learning. - Plan Your Future CPD
Get organised with your CPD and forward plan future activities.
Why should I keep a record of my CPD?
One of the best and measurable ways of demonstrating your commitment to keeping children, young people and adults at risk, safe is by learning, reflecting, engaging in safeguarding supervision and keeping an UpToDate record of your safeguarding activity. This will provide you with evidence of your keeping in line with, or even in front, of your organisation’s safeguarding requirements.
Using reflection as part of your safeguarding supervision with NADSL, will help demonstrate your competence in dealing with certain situations, your ability to follow safeguarding procedures, question and promote, a safeguarding culture. You will feel confident that you are safeguarding in a responsible and safe way.
The CPD points that you earn are valuable to you in a number of ways. Your main motivation for completing CPD activities might be because you enjoy broadening your horizons, but you can derive real benefits from your CPD. It may be a requirement of your organisation that you actively demonstrate your learning to demonstrate your safeguarding competence.
Being able to demonstrate that you have helped a DSL through NADSL or taken part in an online discussion (via forums for example) is an excellent way of illustrating your skills, level of knowledge and ability to question, discuss and, in many cases, problem-solve. Please ensure that you register these activities in your reflection diary as part of your CPD.
How does maintaining a good record of my CPD help me?
Maintaining a good record of your CPD will help you demonstrate your commitment to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk to your current or potentially, future employer.
Your reflection diary will be invaluable to your CV and interviews – how wonderful will it be to open up that resource and recall (and evidence) the days when you rose to the challenge and excelled at what you do?
A consistent track record of CPD will show just how hard you have worked and remind you of the excellent progress you have made.
It may even help your argument for increased pay or promotion at work!
It may help you gain admittance to professional bodies or give your application for prestigious academic courses an ‘edge’ which will appeal to the selection committee or academic board.
How will keeping a NADSL CPD portfolio help me to improve my future in safeguarding?
NADSL CPD can help you evidence your learning, your understanding and your reflective skills. These are valuable assets to tap in to when applying for a new position or proving the value of your role. Being able to add a record of your activities to any CV will provide an excellent example of your motivation and ambition.
They are a way of measuring and attributing importance and value to the safeguarding activity you are involved in. Every safeguarding CPD course that you take should come with a points-value-tag. Safeguarding activity undertaken outside the association should be allocated CPD points, you can simply add these points to your NADSL CPD portfolio. Safeguarding supervision sessions can also be recorded in the reflections section of your CPD dashboard.
How will maintaining a CPD record impact on my membership with the National Association of Designated Safeguarding Leads?
By completing NADSL’s recommended number of 50 annual points you will receive a certificate of achievement from the National Association of Designated Safeguarding Leads and you (and organisation?) will be entered onto our Hall of CPD Fame (unless you choose to hide your light under a bushel 😊, either is fine with us).
How many CPD points do I need?
It may be the case that your organisation or employer does not require CPD? However, being a member of NADSL we strongly advise that you do. Whether mandatory or not, earning CPD points throughout your career is always a good thing, especially in the world of safeguarding where being able to recall your actions taken following, for example a significant event can be a really useful thing.
You may wish to contact your professional body or regulator to check what your minimum CPD points for the year are. However, for the purposes of your NADSL membership, we recommend 50 (safeguarding) points annually. Please bear in mind that this may change over time and NADSL will keep you up to date with any developments.
NADSL will provide members with a list of recommended areas of safeguarding activity. Being able to demonstrate your participation in a mix of these areas will ensure your professional development has been given access to balanced, comprehensive, safeguarding learning opportunities.
In addition, you may be required by your organisation to demonstrate your participation in
- Online training.
- Practical or in-class assessments.
- Academic learning.
- In-house seminars.
Please be sure to record ALL ‘off-NADSL’ activities in your portfolio.
To be brief, every complete 30 minutes of CPD activity = 1 point.
We want to make CPD as simple and efficient as we can. We have attributed points to certain documents etc which can be found in the Safeguarding Academy or NADSL Forums. Points will be clearly set out for you to transfer details of eg videos watched and/or papers read, to your CPD portfolio.
NADSL CPD is designed to allow you to upload supporting documents such as certificates and other evidence along with examples of your reflective practice.
Hardcopy CPD portfolios
Most safeguarding CPD providers will email you a certificate of your training. You can easily upload this to your portfolio instead of using valuable paper and ink to print out and store in your desk drawer (if you even have a desk?)! and you don’t have to worry about keeping data safe or easy to find 😉.
In the online portfolio you should be able to record everything that you would in your hardcopy version and this can be printed out should the need ever arise.
Guidance on using your NADSL CPD service
As you know, NADSL is an association that offers its services to safeguarding leads and officers across all sectors. It is therefore, important to recognise that your sector may differ in its CPD language to that of colleagues working in different sectors.
For example, you may refer to CPD ‘points’ yet your colleague refers to the same measurement as ‘credits’ or ‘units’. In order to make life simple NADSL will be using ‘points’ as an equivalent measurement of accrued CPD activity.
Each heading of our CPD tool provides examples of learning, experience and reflection that you may wish to include. Simply click the + sign beneath each post. Full instruction will be provided and we will be there to answer your questions.
Top Tips!
- Try to record your safeguarding activity as soon as you can after each session or experience (reflection). Getting into the habit of doing this will help you to evaluate what you have learned and how your work has been influenced by the activity over time.
- You don’t have to have amazing keyboard skills to record your reflections. You can use the voice recorder function as an option – once you have developed the habit you can record your evaluation on the go, via the mobile App!
- Visit NADSL Forums for NADSL CPD point-accredited reading and/or discussion regularly, record reflection and/or points gained by taking part (those points will soon add up!).
- Contact the NADSL CPD team if you have any questions:
- Inform NADSL of any difficulties you are encountering with NADSL CPD and please tell us about your experiences in using this service (good or bad) if you need to.
- Remember, NADSL is powered by you. We act on your feedback and make changes for the better, wherever we can 😊.
So, let’s get started!
Once your account is activated you can access your NADSL CPD portfolio or find out more by clicking the link below:
Yvonne Grant
Membership Coordinator
07730 365924
Erica Lorenzon Da Silva
Legal Executive
07735 495729